Saturday, August 29, 2009

the fiction of origin

Science and Religion start with the same incorrect premise: origin.

If the Big Bang happened then there was a time before it that caused it. How?

If God created everything, there was a time before that occurred, the old humbug about someone being there to invent God becomes part of the picture.

The idea that there is an original state, or a state before other states requires other facts than what is already there.

The endless universe. Infinite, endless, and with no beginning. It violates all the rules of religion and science. It is heresy to claim things never started. But it does circumnavigate an obvious difficulty in the logic of creation.

The continuum depends upon processes of matter/energy entering and departing the universe though stars and black holes - like a violent sea with valves. Like the engine of an old car leaking oil and yet exchanging energy furiously.

As matter is crushed and energy is compressed, new atoms are formed, each nucleus compresses the energy from the fusion and creates nuclei

Matter is a process, involving energy, light and making reality in black holes. Stars pop up from nowhere as the atoms so made collide. The universe is peeling itself into reality, and grows constantly. But it need not have boundaries, it is a process contained in seven dimensional space.